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Stop toxic work culture

The responsibility of the management and supervisory bodies
Almost every day we read about companies and organizations where a toxic work culture has built up over the years. It is often a mystery how it is possible that management and supervisory bodies were unable or unwilling to recognize this in good time.

Employee survey & employee feedback in companies

How and where the various employee survey and employee feedback tools differ in the company.

Corporate culture

Driver for sustainable corporate success.
Coporate culture - driver for sustainable corporate success
The success or failure of companies is often attributed to their products and services. However, if we take a closer look, the real reasons for success or failure are probably to be found in the corporate culture.

Sustainable Human Resource Management

14 basic principles for sustainable human resource management to maintain and increase employee performance, motivation, commitment and retention.

The four dimensions of appreciation

Valuing performance and engagement
Appreciation has an enormous influence on the motivation and commitment of employees. This fact is certainly not new, and yet this quality factor is often neglected in employee management. One reason for this is probably that it takes up our scarce resource “time” – … which is only partly true.

A strong corporate culture

What does it look like?
This question is often discussed controversially in many companies. What actually characterizes a “good” or “better” corporate or organizational culture?

Employee survey – smart

topical – individual – authentic – relevant
Employee Experience is one of the key topics in Human Capital Management. It has changed many things for employees in recent years. Starting with the application process all the way to leaving the company. Only one thing has never changed in this context. How the experiences of the employees are picked up.

Individual employee feedback instead of surveys

Megatrend USA
In the USA, experts predict that employee surveys will become less important as an HR tool by 2025, both at annual intervals and in the form of micro surveys. The trend is moving towards more individual feedback from employees.

Employee surveys?

We don’t need that anymore! There is AI.
The number of companies that refuse to accept feedback from their employees in the form of regular surveys is constantly increasing. Regardless of whether these are classic or pulse resp. microsurveys.

Feedback without survey

A new quality of feedback coming from the organization.
Smart Feedback New Work
Active listening and more room for individuality and diversity are among the key factors for sustainably successful companies. Anyone who follows current studies and publications on the subject of employee experience will see that there is no way around it in the future.

SMART FED abolishes the employee survey

Employee surveys in New Work organizations
Classic employee surveys passed their zenith years ago. More and more companies are switching to continuous pulse, micro or mood surveys instead. But beware, there is a well-known trap lurking here as well.

Stopping employee turnover

If you can’t afford to lose your best people.

Low response rates?

The real reasons behind employee survey fatigue
Employee survey in organizations
The response rates for employee surveys, but also their use itself, have been declining in many companies for years. On the other hand, we read every day how important it is to listen more closely to employees in the face of topical changes in the world of work. So what is going wrong here?

Open Experience Feedback

EX Management – State of the Art
SMART FED is a corporate app for contemporary EX management that differentiates itself in the market with a consistently intrinsic approach. No compulsively demanded feedback, but authentic feedback on experiences and perceptions from everyday life.

Recognize misguided developments in companies

Tracking down tomorrow’s risks today.
Fair weather reports are good for the mood in companies and organizations. But they are also the cause of the emergence of fog clouds that obscure management’s view of critical developments. Penetrating them requires not only the will in management, but also an effective set of tools.

Core elements of the corporate strategy

A clear strategy is still one of the most important bases for the long-term success of companies. Without it, every company appears arbitrary and interchangeable to the outside world, and without support and meaning for the employees on the inside. It is the key to consistent and stringent business and organizational development.

Using employee resources efficiently and effectively

Increase employee performance, efficiency and effectiveness in companies
Employees are among the most expensive, but also the most valuable resources in a company. For this reason, it has always been essential to use this resource as efficiently and effectively as possible. But what was already a challenge in the past is becoming even more complex and demanding in the NEW WORK working world.

SMART Feedback

listening to people