SMART Feedback
easy – direct – comprehensive
Every organization has a variety of influencing factors that have a positive or negative impact on its performance and competitiveness.
However, working from home, hybrid work and agile structures make it increasingly difficult to track these factors in a targeted and timely manner.
SMART FED has therefore developed a feedback portal that provides precise information in a complex working environment where things are inhibited or stuck and why.
It accumulates employee experiences and observations, providing a comprehensive overview of developments and changes in the organization.
What surveys can never achieve
SMART Feedback – A unique approach for intelligent and systemic monitoring of human capital.
SMART Feedback
What surveys can never achieve
A unique approach for intelligent and systemic monitoring of human capital.

- Employees decide for themselves what or who they want to give feedback to.

- Real personal feedback from employees – intrinsically motivated and authentic.

- Feedback that captures and makes visible employees’ organization-specific experiences, issues and challenges.

- 360° feedback on all topics and dimensions relevant to the company for systemic organizational development.

- Direct feedback from employees on topical developments and changes in the organization without delay and without limited time windows.

- Differentiated and concrete employee feedback for fast and targeted action in the right place and at the right time.

- Employees decide for themselves what or who they want to give feedback to.

- Real personal feedback from employees – intrinsically motivated and authentic.

- Feedback that captures and makes visible employees’ organization-specific experiences, issues and challenges.

- 360° feedback on all topics and dimensions relevant to the company for systemic organizational development.

- Direct feedback from employees on topical developments and changes in the organization without delay and without limited time windows.

- Differentiated and concrete employee feedback for fast and targeted action in the right place and at the right time.