How much effort does it take for an organization to set up and parameterize SMART FED?
Depending on the size of the organization, the time required for setup and parameterization is between 30 minutes and 4 hours until the feedback portal is active. Once the license has been activated by SMART FED, only 3 steps are required.
1. selection of organization-relevant feedback addressees, topics and criteria
2. input of the organizational structure/organizational units
3. input or import of employees for access to the feedback portal
Does the SMART FED feedback portal replace the personal appraisal interview?
No. The personal appraisal interview with superiors is a direct, bilateral feedback dialog and also a container where very personal matters of the employees are discussed. Feedback is also given here (or should be given here) in both directions, very openly and only structured to a limited extent. This form of feedback can and will never replace the SMART FED feedback portal.
Is SMART FED an alternative to the company suggestion scheme?
No. The feedback portal has a few fundamental differences from the suggestion system, although one of the main objectives is identical, namely to improve the productivity and effectiveness of an organisation. However, SMART FED’s feedback portal takes a different approach to this, which differs as follows:
1. SMART FED not only provides indications of what needs to be improved, as in the case of the suggestion system, but also shows what employees appreciate.
2. In contrast to the suggestion system, the employee does not have to make a suggestion for improvement of his own, which is not easily possible with many organizational topics.
3. Even though every single feedback is important, it only becomes really relevant for the organization when the feedbacks on a certain topic accumulate. In the case of the suggestion system, on the other hand, each individual suggestion must be dealt with directly.
In which languages is the SMART FED feedback portal available?
Currently, SMART FED is available in English and German. Additional languages can be added if required.
Does SMART FED meet the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard with regard to feedback from interested parties (employees)?
Yes, in fact, it is much better than an employee survey, as the feedback portal gives employees the opportunity to give feedback on all their needs, including the situation at work and on the job. This can be done at any time, directly and concretely.